McTimoney Equine Chiropractic.

McTimoney Equine Chiropractic – Adjusting the Horse’s Spine

McTimoney Equine Chiropractic is the type of Chiropractic that we specialize in here at RB-Chiropractic. At each consultation we assess your horse at all 3 paces, to document any stiffness and or restrictions in the animal’s movement.

Once the Gait assessment is complete, your horse’s physical examination will take place in the stable and will be primarily focused on the spine and pelvis. Any asymmetry present in the animal’s musculo-skeletal system will be noted. Each treatment is then tailored to the individual horse’s requirements, comprising both chiropractic and soft tissue manipulation as necessary.

More than one treatment is normally required if the animal has been experiencing either Loss of performance or lameness. At the first treatment, a treatment plan, along with an exercise schedule is set out in a effort to ensure that your horse achieves the maximum benefit from each session which invariably will lead to a more rapid recovery.

We have found McTimoney Chiropractic to be extremely beneficial to the Equine Athlete, the treatment will help to maintain your horse’s flexibility and suppleness, so that you can both enjoy your sport!

Don’t forget that it is important for the Equestrian to get regular check ups as well, so that they can remain fit, flexible and as balanced as possible when riding and competing horses.

If you would like to contact us re McTimoney Chiropractic for Your Horse or Yourself just give us a call on 087-1904307.